Vision and Eyeglasses Program

Those of us from our part of the world may take it for granted that should we have a vision problem, we can go to our neighborhood optometrist and get our eyes checked and purchase new eyeglasses, and in some instances, may have insurance to cover those costs. In Guatemala, that is not the case. There are a limited numbers of physicians and optometrists, especially in the areas where Hearts in Motion serves – an area that may be more impoverished and where its citizens do not have the resources to pay for a doctor or to purchase eyeglasses. That is where we come in! 



Improving vision, improving lives

It has been an amazing opportunity to improve the lives of the people we meet at the eyeglass clinics. On many occasions the clinic visitor has never known how bad his or her vision is, until we determine what will help – we can tell because their face will light up, they will start looking around at their friends and family nearby, or even at their hands! They will read the Bible or eyechart we have for them, nonstop. Hearing “It’s a miracle!” is not unusual when we find the right eyeglasses for our visitor. Obviously, once the right eyeglasses are found among our donations, the recipient will be able to read, sew, drive, and do whatever job they have to improve their daily lives. Or even just see their children… 


Vision program within HIM 

The Eyeglasses and Vision Team Project has been in existence since 2006. On an average trip, we see about 270 people during a five day work week, who receive about 600 pairs of readers, prescription eyeglasses, and sunglasses. Since restarting after the Covid pandemic, we have been on 7 trips and have seen 2000 people who received 3800 pairs of eyeglasses.

Vision and Eyeglasses program leader is Marcia McGinnis ( Feel free to contact regarding all aspects of the Vision program (volunteer, glasses donations, financial support).

We welcome all volunteers to join us – skilled optometrists, ophthalmologists, opticians are a luxury, but anyone who wants to learn the basic requirements are welcome to be a part of our team. 



Clinic in action. Two “flipper” lines with Welch Allyn Spot screening in rear.



Screening using the Welch Allyn Spot.



Vision Team Activities 

All donated eyeglasses are measured prior to trips whenever possible, and we bring about 600 pairs of donated eyeglasses in our luggage per trip. We have about 8000 pairs in storage with HIM in Guatemala, and another 3000 pairs at home to be cleaned, repaired, measured, and bagged. We receive these eyeglasses from friends, family, other volunteers, and Carson City (Nevada) Host Lions Club and the Louisville (Colorado) Lions Club, for which we are extremely grateful. One exceptional donor, Dr. Robert Salchak of Sugar Land, Texas, has been filling challenging eyeglass prescriptions for us at no charge for several years.

In Guatemala, we typically set up in a classroom, clinic office or outdoor pavilion. Visitors receive numbers and we meet with each person to screen their vision. With the Welch Allyn “Spot” Vision Screener, we can attain more exact prescriptions, making it possible to give people eyeglasses close to their actual prescription, when their two eyes have different prescriptions and/or astigmatism, and bifocals. Other team members use “flipper” lenses for vision screening and dispensing basic prescriptions and readers. 


 Checking in visitors


Darkroom tent for Welch Allyn Spot


 Fitting Glasses


Distance Vision Testing


Happy Client 


2210 US 41
Schererville, Indiana 46375
Phone: 219-924-2446
Fax: 219-922-1694

Privacy & Other Policies
Guatemala Office


Barrio La Barca
Gualan, Zacapa
Guatemala, Central America



Check out the Stories of Hearts in Motion Podcast

Available now on Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and Spotify.