This Hearts in Motion program provides educational courses in neonatal resuscitation techniques and management of postpartum hemorrhage to health care workers including firefighters, EMTs, nurses, and skilled birth attendants.
OVERVIEWHelping Mothers Survive (HMS) and Helping Babies Survive (HBS) are learning modules that address critical care needs for women and newborns. By building the capacity of the health workforce to provide care before, during, and after birth, needless deaths can be prevented.
Targeting providers at all levels who attend births or who are called upon to manage complications, HMS and HBS equip frontline health workers to provide evidence-based, high-quality care and to promptly identify and manage life- threatening complications.
Understanding that care for women and babies must be integrated for the best possible outcomes, HMS and HBS both use hands-on, interactive approaches. Modules include team-based learning, skills practice, and simulation with immediate practice and feedback. Each module utilizes low- dose, high-frequency (LDHF) interactive learning followed by repeated, team-based practice at the worksite to strengthen and maintain skills. HBS students learn how to use an ambu bag and mask and a washable suction bulb to resuscitate babies.
The HMS Bleeding after Birth Complete (BABC) training package is designed for teams of providers who care for women at birth. These include skilled birth attendants such as midwives, nurses, and doctors, and those who assist them.
Nurses in Carpajá
Helping Babies Breathe Action Plan Poster in the Labor & Delivery room at the Gualan Health Clinic
Bomberos working with a Mama Natalie birth simulator |
APPROACH• The use of highly pictorial learning materials and low-cost, purpose-built simulators makes the HBS and HMS suite of programs very accessible to audiences in resource-limited countries around the world. Programs ​include visual guidebooks, flipcharts and posters containing clear, specific instructions for healthcare providers to follow after the birth of a baby. Because no electricity or specialized technology is required, HBS can easily be taught anywhere learners can come together.
Trainers Jane, Peg, and Margaret working with nurses in Zacapa
Jan 2025 team Connie, Taitum, Ellina, Barbara, Colleen, Mary, Margaret, and Brenda at the Hearts in Motion house in Teculután.
June 2024 team member Dalit and student
PROJECT LEADERS• Barbara Engers, RN, HBS & HMS Master Trainer
• Margaret Moore HBS & HMS Master Trainer
Bombero Leaders
Nurses in San Agustín Acasaguastlán. While the subject matter is serious, moments of levity are commons
Lunch break with master trainer Jane and comadronas in Carpajá
NeoNatalie training simulators
Comadronas independently practicing their hands-on skills during lunch break in Morazán |
Bombero working with a comadrona in La Unión
Bomberos in Rio Hondo
2210 US 41
Schererville, Indiana 46375
Phone: 219-924-2446
Fax: 219-922-1694
Barrio La Barca
Gualan, Zacapa
Guatemala, Central America