The town of Pueblo Modelo was established by the Guatemalan government after Hurricane Mitch in 1999, which displaced thousands of families. Because of the dire need to relocate families quickly, there was no time to build infrastructures such as running water and electricity. Hearts In Motion has been actively supporting this community for 22 years through our holistic program model that uplifts the individual, the family, and the community.



Poverty has a devastating effect on a child's development, health, and access to education. Our mission is to help children receive an education, nutritious food, medical care, and compassionate support.

Our Daycare is a safe place for parents to leave their children while they go to work, and that also ensures older kids can attend school instead of looking after their younger siblings. Pueblo Modelo Center was built in partnership with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. As a result, children receive the instruction necessary to prepare them for elementary school. Children are also taught life skills, have access to a library and computer lab, and participate in growing their food.

In addition, every child receives two nutritious meals and snacks daily and medical, dental, and vision care when our medical service teams travel to Guatemala. The Daycare and pre-school are open year round.




Most of the children and their families we serve are living under a tin roof or tarp. To help improve the quality of the living conditions of the children and their families at our daycare and preschool, we started our house-building program. As a result, seventeen families now have a solid cement home and cooking stove.






Inspired by Aiden Mitchell, an avid young gardener living in the United States, the Pueblo Modelo garden program was created and named Young Gardeners International (YGI). The program teaches children at our daycare and pre-school and their families how to create a thriving vegetable garden.

Children who complete the program are equipped to mentor new children entering the program while maintaining their own gardens. Every year a contest is held to see who harvested the most vegetables. Children and their families are awarded chickens, pigs, bags of rice, and gallon jugs of cooking oil.





Hearts In Motion annually brings medical, dental, and physical therapy clinics to Pueblo Modelo. Medical professionals and pre-med students provide critical care to the people of Pueblo Modelo. These people would not otherwise receive care for their injuries, health conditions, or medical equipment to aid with mobility. We continue to build upon our strong ties with Pueblo Modelo as we work together to enhance the quality of life for those who live there.




If you have questions about our work in Pueblo Modelo or want to get involved, contact our Director of Sponsorship Programs, Drea Perez 



2210 US 41
Schererville, Indiana 46375
Phone: 219-924-2446
Fax: 219-922-1694

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Guatemala Office


Barrio La Barca
Gualan, Zacapa
Guatemala, Central America



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